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The Bridge SRA Program offers parent seminars as well as student programs in public schools, private schools, and church youth groups. The parent program was developed after seeing teenagers struggle with sexual issues and their inability to communicate this with their parents. We believe that sexual education and communication is BEST done in the home and our program is simply a reiteration of your message.  However, many parents feel intimidated and unprepared for this topic.  Not only does The Bridge give parents an overview of the student presentations but more importantly empowers you with vital information about how to open up the communication lines between you and your children concerning sexual topics. 


The parent program is also helpful for teachers, pastors, youth workers, etc. It includes: statistics about today’s teens’ struggle with sexuality, getting into your child's culture, steps to raising sexually-healthy teens, and breaking down some of your own misconceptions.  (You know, a lot has changed!)  We conclude with Q & A's that will hopefully target specific issues in your family. 

Educating youth on healthy relationships is a job for the whole community and now is the time for us to join together to face the issue that has been ignored for some time now.

*For more information about why Sexual Risk Avoidance education is beneficial and essential, click here. 


TIPS for proactive parents: 


  • Don’t Fall Into The “Not My Kid” Trap.

  • Be The Parent! Have Reasonable Rules! “Rules without Relationship leads to Rebellion.”

  • Call to confirm their whereabouts

  • Set curfews

  • Monitor movies, music, internet, phone, dress, etc

  • Don’t just have “The Talk”. Use teachable moments. Use the negative media to your advantage.

  • Present a clear abstinence message. Teens whose parents express disapproval of non-marital sex and contraceptive us are less likely than their peers to have sex.

  • Nearly 9 out of 10 teens say it would be easier to avoid early sexual activity and teen pregnancy if they were able to have more open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents.

  • Help them see the value of one lifelong committed partner. 

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